Don’t Underestimate Chiropractic’s Ability to Help You!
Alcohol & Drug Addiction | Knee Pain |
Arm Pain and/or Numbness | Leg Pain and/or Numbness |
Arthritis | Lifting Injuries |
Asthma | Lowered Resistance |
Attention Deficit Disorder | Migraine Headaches |
Auto Injuries | Neck Pain/Stiffness |
Back Pain | Nervousness |
Bedwetting | On-the-Job Injuries |
Blood Pressure Problems | Pinched Nerve |
Bursitis | Poor Circulation |
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) |
Degenerative Joint Disease | Sciatica |
Digestive Disorders | Shingles |
Disc Problems | Shoulder Pain |
Dizziness | Sinusitis |
Fatigue/Lack of Energy | Spinal Curvatures |
Female Disorders | Sports Injuries |
Foot Pain | Stiffness |
Frequent Colds | Stomach Ulcers |
Frequent Ear Infections | Stress/Tension Heachaches |
Hand & Wrist Pain | Tingling and Numbness |
Hip Pain | Turned-in Feet |
Infantile Colic | Whiplash Injuries |
Joint Pains | Work Injuries |
If you know of a friend or family member who is suffering with one of these problems, refer them for a Chiropractic examination. |